Monday, February 4, 2008

This is Jake.

This is Jake, or JJ, as most people know him. He looks like any other 3 year old little boy. Would you guess that Jake as born with a rare disease, CAH? What is CAH? What does CAH stand for? How does JJ deal with CAH? Read on and through this site, I hope that you can learn more about JJ's condition and what we can all do to help bring about a cure for CAH, maybe sometime in his life.

Also, please post comments. I would love to hear from friends and family. It is only with your support that Chance and I have been able to cope knowing that you all support us as much as you do.

1 comment:

Georgia Peaches said...

JJ is adorable. Seeing him gives me hope for Jarom's future. He looks so healthy and strong. It makes it seems so unfare that they are sick on the inside. When we found out about Jarom's disease, and we asked, "Why us?", someone made a statement that answered it. The Lord knew exactly who to send him to. He knew he needed extra TLC and parents that would be unwaivering in tending to his special needs. We love our precious Jarom, and are so blessed to have him as long as the Lord sees fit. Thank you for sharing your blog.