Monday, February 4, 2008

I run for Jake.

As I am running towards the finish line, this is what is goes through my head...

Run. Faster. Harder. Why am I doing this? For Jake. I run for Jake. (I start to pick up my speed as the adrenline begins to start flowing.) I run for Jake. I run for Jake to live one more year. I run for Jake to live one more week. (I am now starting to sprint as I feel unstopable. Like a mother lion fighting to protect her cub, I begin to believe that I have the power to save my son.) I run for Jake to live one more day, one more minute. This is why I run.

The Gasparilla Classic will be here in 5 days and I am preparing for my first 15K. I have always been in shape, but with a cause to run for, I seem to run stronger.

My goal is to raise $500 that will all go to the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation for education and advancement of research to bring about a cure of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) while providing the resources and the latest information available in managing life with CAH. They were the only resource that I had to turn to when Jake was diagnosed with CAH. I don't think I would have been able to become as educated as I needed to be without their help.

If you would like to donate, please make checks payable to the C.A.R.E.S Foundation and send them to:

Langford Law Group
ATTN: Marisa Langford
1715 W. Cleveland Street
Tampa, FL 33606

Or you can also donate via PayPal. Send your donation to I will issue a reciept from every transaction will be e-mailed/ sent for your records regarding your donation to the foundation.

Jake is my inspiration and my reason to support this cause. Please help me in my efforts to find a cure...there is one out there somewhere...we just need to find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Langford Law Group will donate $200. Gene Langford will also donate $200. Good luck with the run; you're a great Mom and a wonderful daughter in law.