Monday, February 11, 2008


So the big race day wa Saturday morning and I was up at 5:30 because I couldn't sleep. I was going to pick up Eric and then we would drive down to the race site. We both forgot safety pins and had to make a trek to the convention center before the race started (note to self...never forget safety pins for a race again!!!). There were a record number of participants at the race. I think they said like 8,700 people. It was a beautiful day and I was pumped. It was great to have Eric there for support too. (He blew my time away so he was a great motivator too!)

Once the race started, all I could think about was how lucky my family is to have such awesome freinds and family members to support Jake's cause. It really meant so much! I ran the whole race. Eric finished in 72 minutes and I finished in 90 minutes.

It was a great feeling to finish. Not only because it was not an easy race to train for, but because Jake has a long road ahead of him and I know that with love and support from family and friends, he too will lead a happy and healthy life.

Thank you so much Eric for partnering up with me to do this. And to everyone who donated money to the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Until next year...maybe a 1/2 Marathon...who knows...I would run to to ends of the Earth if I knew I could make a difference in someone's life. And because of you all, I know that I did!

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