Monday, February 4, 2008

I CARE for Jake.

For all of you who are reading this blog for the first time, and don't know who Jake is, let me introduce you to my son, Jacob James Langford. Jake, or JJ as friends call him, is a fun energetic and loving 3 year old little boy. His laugh and outgoing personality are sure to brighten any room he enters. He plays soccer, goes to preschool, loves Bush Gardens, his friends, his baby sister Mia and he has the most beautiful smile you will ever see.

But, never in a million years would I have dreamed that I would be writing words like I am today. We all see sick children on telethons and thank The Lord that we have healthy children. But the pictures before you are of my child, someone who is related to you by blood, by love or by friendship. He does not look sick by any means. He is happy, healthy, and full of life. You wouldn’t know that this little boy has been through so much in 3 years. Everyday is a blessing to have JJ in our lives.

At birth, JJ was diagnosed with a rare disease called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. With medicine, JJ will live a health, normal life with CAH. We were fortunate to have found love, knowledge and support from the CARES Foundation to learn how to manage this life-long disease. New research and development will help JJ throughout his life and maybe, just maybe…one day there will be a cure.

Chance and I pledge to never give up hope that one day there will be a cure for JJ. Through the CARES Foundation and your support, we hope that all who CARE for Jake will help us raise money to assist the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation is their efforts to help educate the public and the medical professionals about CAH, the necessity for early intervention and advocacy for newborn screening. Everyone CARES...I care for Jake. Who do YOU CARE for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my sister,
I am so proud of you for all that you and Chance have experienced. Your family unit is as durable as your commitment to keep committed to your little ones and hopefully, you're right, one day everyone will benefit from the hard times. I LOVE YOU!! Gina