Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shelby Grace is here!

For those of you who know my personal story, Shelby Grace was born on Monday, August 24th. She was diagnosed with SWCAH via a CVS test (the same as her older brother Jake). I had a very difficult pregnancy, but the light at the end of the tunnel has arrived and she was WELL worth the wait!

Because I was proactive with our Dr's, Shelby was started on her medicine 8 hours after she was born. The state of Florida DOES test for CAH under the PKU umbrella of tests done un the hospital just after birth. This is how we learned that Jake had this condition. We know that Shelby has a wonderful life ahead of her. I am so blessed that this little bundle of joy is here...she was meant to be born into this world for a reason. We love you Shelby!

1 comment:

friarminor said...

She's an angel!

From a CARES friend in Manila!
Alain, Zaki and Leriz