Friday, December 19, 2008


WOW! Has 2008 really gone by that fast? I can't believe that 2009 is almost here. Mia, my youngest, just celebrated her 3rd birthday today. Life truly goes by quicker than you think and I can't be more thankful for my families health, happiness and most of all them. I am ready to jump right into 2009 and live life to the fullest. Why not!? Always a good motto: Go BIG, or GO HOME!!!

So, with that being said, Gasparilla 2009 is right around the corner and I am ready to sign on for the 1/2 marathon this year. And I also wanted to thank EVERYONE who supported me in my efforts last year (and of course Eric, my running partner...thanks for inspiring me with your drive. It really means more thank you know.)

Any takers to run along side me this year? (Tennille, I know you're in!) I know it is going to be a real challenge (the 10K last year was my longest run ever) but I am ready. I would love to have anyone on my team that wants to help make a difference for the families across the nation that look to The C.A.R.E.S. Foundation for support. They are amazing for what they do for families like mine. If your in, e-mail me and start training!

If this is your first time on this site, please read below for more information on C.A.R.E.S. Foundation and about my precious little boy, Jake, who I thank God for everyday that he is as healthy as he is. We are among the blessed...

Monday, February 11, 2008


So the big race day wa Saturday morning and I was up at 5:30 because I couldn't sleep. I was going to pick up Eric and then we would drive down to the race site. We both forgot safety pins and had to make a trek to the convention center before the race started (note to self...never forget safety pins for a race again!!!). There were a record number of participants at the race. I think they said like 8,700 people. It was a beautiful day and I was pumped. It was great to have Eric there for support too. (He blew my time away so he was a great motivator too!)

Once the race started, all I could think about was how lucky my family is to have such awesome freinds and family members to support Jake's cause. It really meant so much! I ran the whole race. Eric finished in 72 minutes and I finished in 90 minutes.

It was a great feeling to finish. Not only because it was not an easy race to train for, but because Jake has a long road ahead of him and I know that with love and support from family and friends, he too will lead a happy and healthy life.

Thank you so much Eric for partnering up with me to do this. And to everyone who donated money to the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Until next year...maybe a 1/2 Marathon...who knows...I would run to to ends of the Earth if I knew I could make a difference in someone's life. And because of you all, I know that I did!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Team C.A.R.E.S.

My good friend, Eric Rabinovitz, will be joining me on Saturday to run for Jake. I know that we will make a great team. I can't thank him enough for his support in helping us raise money for a good cause. It really means alot...thanks so much. If anyone else would like to join us. You know where to reach me!

Training Hard...

This is the last week of training! My two training coaches, Jake and Mia, are usually there to cheer me on. They are starting to get heavy. Adding an additional 60lbs to my training should get me in shape pretty fast. This picture was taken this morning at Rivercrest Park. Saturday will be here soon!

Monday, February 4, 2008

This is Jake.

This is Jake, or JJ, as most people know him. He looks like any other 3 year old little boy. Would you guess that Jake as born with a rare disease, CAH? What is CAH? What does CAH stand for? How does JJ deal with CAH? Read on and through this site, I hope that you can learn more about JJ's condition and what we can all do to help bring about a cure for CAH, maybe sometime in his life.

Also, please post comments. I would love to hear from friends and family. It is only with your support that Chance and I have been able to cope knowing that you all support us as much as you do.

I run for Jake.

As I am running towards the finish line, this is what is goes through my head...

Run. Faster. Harder. Why am I doing this? For Jake. I run for Jake. (I start to pick up my speed as the adrenline begins to start flowing.) I run for Jake. I run for Jake to live one more year. I run for Jake to live one more week. (I am now starting to sprint as I feel unstopable. Like a mother lion fighting to protect her cub, I begin to believe that I have the power to save my son.) I run for Jake to live one more day, one more minute. This is why I run.

The Gasparilla Classic will be here in 5 days and I am preparing for my first 15K. I have always been in shape, but with a cause to run for, I seem to run stronger.

My goal is to raise $500 that will all go to the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation for education and advancement of research to bring about a cure of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) while providing the resources and the latest information available in managing life with CAH. They were the only resource that I had to turn to when Jake was diagnosed with CAH. I don't think I would have been able to become as educated as I needed to be without their help.

If you would like to donate, please make checks payable to the C.A.R.E.S Foundation and send them to:

Langford Law Group
ATTN: Marisa Langford
1715 W. Cleveland Street
Tampa, FL 33606

Or you can also donate via PayPal. Send your donation to I will issue a reciept from every transaction will be e-mailed/ sent for your records regarding your donation to the foundation.

Jake is my inspiration and my reason to support this cause. Please help me in my efforts to find a cure...there is one out there somewhere...we just need to find it.

What is the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation?

CARES Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt, non-profit, educational 501c(3) organization. Its purpose is to educate the public and healthcare professionals about all forms of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, its symptoms, diagnostic protocols, treatment, genetic frequency, the necessity for early intervention and benefits of newborn screening. It is also dedicated to providing support and information to affected individuals and their families. CARES Foundation, Inc. can only continue its work through your tax-exempt donations and support.

If you would like to learn about Jake's rare disease please click to go to the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation website.

I CARE for Jake.

For all of you who are reading this blog for the first time, and don't know who Jake is, let me introduce you to my son, Jacob James Langford. Jake, or JJ as friends call him, is a fun energetic and loving 3 year old little boy. His laugh and outgoing personality are sure to brighten any room he enters. He plays soccer, goes to preschool, loves Bush Gardens, his friends, his baby sister Mia and he has the most beautiful smile you will ever see.

But, never in a million years would I have dreamed that I would be writing words like I am today. We all see sick children on telethons and thank The Lord that we have healthy children. But the pictures before you are of my child, someone who is related to you by blood, by love or by friendship. He does not look sick by any means. He is happy, healthy, and full of life. You wouldn’t know that this little boy has been through so much in 3 years. Everyday is a blessing to have JJ in our lives.

At birth, JJ was diagnosed with a rare disease called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. With medicine, JJ will live a health, normal life with CAH. We were fortunate to have found love, knowledge and support from the CARES Foundation to learn how to manage this life-long disease. New research and development will help JJ throughout his life and maybe, just maybe…one day there will be a cure.

Chance and I pledge to never give up hope that one day there will be a cure for JJ. Through the CARES Foundation and your support, we hope that all who CARE for Jake will help us raise money to assist the C.A.R.E.S. Foundation is their efforts to help educate the public and the medical professionals about CAH, the necessity for early intervention and advocacy for newborn screening. Everyone CARES...I care for Jake. Who do YOU CARE for?