Friday, December 19, 2008


WOW! Has 2008 really gone by that fast? I can't believe that 2009 is almost here. Mia, my youngest, just celebrated her 3rd birthday today. Life truly goes by quicker than you think and I can't be more thankful for my families health, happiness and most of all them. I am ready to jump right into 2009 and live life to the fullest. Why not!? Always a good motto: Go BIG, or GO HOME!!!

So, with that being said, Gasparilla 2009 is right around the corner and I am ready to sign on for the 1/2 marathon this year. And I also wanted to thank EVERYONE who supported me in my efforts last year (and of course Eric, my running partner...thanks for inspiring me with your drive. It really means more thank you know.)

Any takers to run along side me this year? (Tennille, I know you're in!) I know it is going to be a real challenge (the 10K last year was my longest run ever) but I am ready. I would love to have anyone on my team that wants to help make a difference for the families across the nation that look to The C.A.R.E.S. Foundation for support. They are amazing for what they do for families like mine. If your in, e-mail me and start training!

If this is your first time on this site, please read below for more information on C.A.R.E.S. Foundation and about my precious little boy, Jake, who I thank God for everyday that he is as healthy as he is. We are among the blessed...